by Martha Beau | Apr 28, 2017
Kris is a fabric artist who has exhibited nationally and internationally. She has been juried into Quilts=Art=Quilts, Tactile Architecture, Fiber Focus, 150 years of Adirondack Quilts at the Adirondack museum, and the Aullwood Audubon Center. Her work is publicly...
by Martha Beau | Mar 28, 2017
An artist is “a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.” If this definition is true, then I am not sure what Barry Targan is. He produces work in MANY of the arts, not just ANY. If you have seen Barry’s work at...
by Martha Beau | Mar 21, 2017
Have you seen the sweet display of handwoven baskets in our front window? Basket-maker Bliss McIntosh just finished a new batch of 18 splint baskets and put many of these beautiful creations in the front window until April 21. Perhaps there’s a grown-up you know...
by Martha Beau | Mar 4, 2017
My basket-making career has roots that begin way back with learning to knit and sew when I was about 5 years old. I took over from my mother in making my own clothes and then progressed to spinning, weaving and using natural dyes when I was just finishing college....
by Martha Beau | Mar 4, 2017
Hubbard Hall and the Round House Bakery Café announced that, as of April, 2017, Round House Bakery Café will re-open and operate in the storefront of Hubbard Hall at 25 East Main St. in Cambridge, NY. Valley Artisans Market is so excited to have a new neighbor in the...