January 19, 2024 - February 12, 2024

Artist reception will be held January 20, 3:00-5:00.  The public is welcome!


Works by Mary Lou Strode

About the Artist:

My career in art began in late childhood when I was drawn to drawing.  Lines, shading and contrast between light and dark, were done with pencil and paper.  Movie stars and pin-ups were my subjects – faces of the stars and the human body of the pin-ups.

In college I did painting and print-making.  Screen printing using overlays of color delights me to this day.  When my husband, Bob, and our children moved to the country in 1972 I found nature to be the ultimate subject of my art.  Abstraction gave way to realism and now the large panoramas have  been followed by intimate closeups of nature seen in the latest watercolors in this show.