Our annual theme show focused on the subject “Flight.” Members and guests artists submitted works portraying their interpretation of flight in media including oil paintings, assemblages, mixed media, fiber and even orbs made of little paper drink umbrellas, shown here, created by member Martha Starke. She was inspired by the story of Mary Poppins using her umbrella to fly. Other media used: photographs on canvas, water color, pastel, mixed media, sculpture, intaglio print with 24k gold, etching, art markers, digital photography, colored pencils, acrylic paintings, paper & wood, and digital photography. Other artists included Christine Nemic, Jerry Boehm, Michelle Winnie, Cheryl Gutmaker, Rose Klebes, Kris Gregson Moss, Pat Goodale, Anita Witten, Kathleen Loomis, Christine Puza, Jean H. Clark, Debra Armbruster, Virginia McNeice, Mary Lou Strode, Carolyn Kibbe, Alan K Hutchinson, Donna Wynbrandt, George Forss, Carol Bollinger Green, Carol Law Conklin, Lise Winne and Diane Segal.